We meet the 4th Wednesday of each month (except December) at 1.30 for a 2.30 start.
WE have a floral demonstratot who produces lovely flower displays, which are raffled at the end of the afternoon.
Subscription is £40 annually, due in February plus £1 per visit.
Visitors are welcome, £7 per meeting, everyone is very welcome.
Enqueries: Sandra Price 0125567152, 07840965445, csandraprice@aol.com
Fitsteps was created by former strictly professionals Ian Watts & Natalie Lowe as they coild see the full benefits in fitness that their celebrities were achieving. Fitsteps is a ance fitness class suitable for everyone as there are lots of alternative moves to the steps that we dance.
We learn Ballroom with the elegant Walt and Tango, plus the sassy steps in Latin, such as Samba, Salsq & Cha Cha. You willhave so much fun you will not realise how fit you are becoming.
No partner needed, just bring water and your smie and get ready to boogy on down.
Contact Pauline on 07788974206for mire information or follow me on facebook under 'Fitness with Pauline Pink Flamingos'
We play short mat bowls on Monday mornings, 9.45 to 12.15 and Thursday afternoons, 1.45 to 4.15 in the main hall.
We welcome all standards including complete beginners.
We supply the bowls, initially, all new players need to bring is flat soled shoes.
We are not a serious competive club - we just play for fun
Contact Martin Alvin on .1255818.96 for more information, or just turn up.
The Holland Residents Association holds quarterly metings in the hall. All members of the HRA and ther members of the public are warmly welcome. The agenda for the meeting are sent by email to HRA members and the information is also availabke on the HRA website Noticeboard-Holland Residents Association
The Holland On Sea |Theatrical Society is a community-based amateur drama group located at Holland Public Hall, Our repertoire includes plays and pantomimes, and are proud to be affiliated with the National Operatic and Drama Association. Although we don't perform opera, we have received 3 nominations and won 1 award at their annual ceremony. In addition to our performances, we organize varios events such as acting workshops, garden parties & barbecues. We warmly welcome new members, regardless of their level of experience or whether they prefer to be on stage or work backstage. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch with our membership secretary, Justine Smith, at 01255 424525 email - hollandtheatricalsiciety@gmail.com.
Website - Holland On Sea Theatrical Society (hollandtheatricalsoc.wixsite.com Facebook - Holland On Sea Theatrical Society
The yoga practice is to help improve flexibility, strength, balance and connection of mind to body and breath as we explore our own style of body movement, so we can also improve our range of movement.
The key is that you work at your own pace, that you move your body in a way that is comfortable to you.
Balanced Breathing, Mindful Movement, Conscious Living.
7 o'clock on a Wednesday.
For more inormtion contact angela.ward1968@hotmail.co.uk or 07951341373